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Club Statement

Club Statement

Michelle Reid25 Mar - 18:25
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A note from the Chairman, Charlie Kirkwood

Following on from the game on Saturday and the club statement on Sunday, below is a personal note from our Chairman, Charlie Kirkwood:

"I appreciate that some people may find it difficult to understand decisions made at the weekend. These decisions were not made lightly, and came at great personal regret.

Robbie Horn has been more than a manager to this club and certainly more than a manager to me. There won't ever be a way to put into words the appreciation I hold for Robbie, Davie and Darren for the tremendous work they have put into Bonnyrigg Rose, and for where they've taken us.

This was only ever a dream and yet they, along with our amazing bunch of players, have made it happen. Robbie, your time here will never be forgotten by players, staff, committee, and will forever be a legend to us."

Further reading