Ground Regulations

Ground Regulations

Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic Football Club is a member of the Scottish Premier Football League (SPFL) and Scottish Football Association (SFA). The club ground is New Dundas Park, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian EH19 3AE.

This document details the regulations that must be adhered to whilst present within New Dundas Park (“The Ground”). For avoidance of doubt Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic Football Club is referred to in this document as (“The Club”).

Ground Regulations

1. All matches are played in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the SPFL and SFA.

2. Play is not guaranteed to take place on a particular day or time. The Club with agreement of any of the associations mentioned in 1. may change its advertised fixtures without prior notice and without liability.

3. All supporters entering New Dundas Park must pay for admission in accordance to advertised conditions and rates including season tickets and concessions.

4. In the event of a MATCH BEING POSTPONED, ABANDONED OR CURTAILED (including after having kicked off), for any reason, any Ticket purchased for the Match will be valid on the postponed date; however, no refund shall be made in respect of such Ticket.

5. The Club shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense (including any indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of enjoyment or travel/accommodation costs), arising out of or in connection with a Match being cancelled, postponed, curtailed, abandoned or subject to change of schedule for any reason whatsoever, including due to the rescheduling of fixtures or otherwise due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Club.

6. At all times the right of admission is reserved by the Club.

7. Unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter upon the field of play. All persons are required to keep off the playing surface and stay on the spectator side of the park barriers.

8. Only persons specifically authorised by the Club are permitted to offer match programmes, food, beverages or any other articles or substances for sale in the Ground. No drinks are permitted to brought into the ground unless prior permission from the Club has been sought.

9. The following articles MUST NOT BE BROUGHT INTO THE GROUND
prohibited weapons, knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, air-horns, flares, weapons, dangerous or hazardous items, laser devices, bottles, glass vessels, cans, poles and any article that might be used as a weapon and/or compromise public safety. It is an offence punishable by law and Unacceptable Conduct for any person to enter or attempt to enter the Ground whilst in possession of any article which is a firework or any article or substance whose purpose or any part of its purpose is the emission of a flare for purposes of illuminating or signalling or the emission of smoke and/or gas and any person in possession of such articles will be refused entry to the Ground and if having entered, to expulsion from the ground and such other sanction as may be determined by the Club and reported to the Police

10. Smoking in No-Smoking areas is strictly forbidden. This includes all enclosed buildings within the ground. Those who do not comply with the smoking policy will be liable to a fixed penalty fine and/or criminal prosecution.

11. The obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances and stairways is strictly forbidden. Nobody entering the Ground shall be permitted to climb any structures within the Ground.

12. Mobile telephones and other communications devices are permitted within the Ground provided that they are used for personal and private use only. The match shall not be filmed unless permission has been sought from the Club in advance of any match taking place.

13. The use of foul or abusive language; racist, discriminatory or sectarian remarks, songs or chants; and the promotion or endorsement of any political organisation are not permitted within the Ground or on the Club's property.

14. It is a criminal offence and UNACCEPTABLE CONDUCT for any person to enter or attempt to enter the Ground: 1 whilst in possession of a container or any other item which is or was capable of holding liquid or anything which, if thrown, would be capable of causing injury to another person; 2 whilst in possession of alcohol; and/or 3 whilst drunk.

15. Any person entering the ground may, at the sole discretion of the Club be SEARCHED and is deemed to have consented to being so, for any item or Material which the possession or use of may result in and/or cause or contribute to Unacceptable Conduct.

16. The throwing of any objects whether on to the pitch, or surrounding area, or otherwise, is not permitted.

17. Persons use the car parking facilities at the Ground entirely at their own risk in respect of their persons, the vehicle and any personal property left therein. The Club will not accept responsibility for any damage, accidents or losses.

18. Persons using the car parking facilities are reminded to park in a respectful manner and be mindful of other vehicles.

19. Spectators are required to exit the Ground in an orderly manner as soon as practicably possible after the end of each game.

20. In the event of an emergency within the Ground instructions on any necessary course of action will be announced over the Club public address system. Spectators must follow the advice given in such announcements, or directions given by Club stewards or elected officials.

21. On no account will admission to the Ground be granted to a person who is subject of a current FOOTBALL BANNING ORDER.

22. The Club reserves the right for its elected officials, stewards, and agents, and for members of the police force to remove from the ground any person who does not comply with Ground regulations and with the rules and regulations of the SPFL and the SFA, or whose presence in the Ground is or could reasonable be construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to other spectators.

21. FOOTBALL BANNING ORDERS may be imposed on individuals who breach and/or fail to comply with these Ground Regulations and/or the Football Rules.


You should be aware that in terms of a protocol with Police Scotland the details, images and/or result of any arrest, detention and/or prosecution occurring in connection with a Match may be shared with the Club.

Policy Review

Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic Football Club has made this policy available on the club's official website and keeps this policy under review, with additions or amendments made where deemed appropriate by the club, or under the advice of governing bodies, Police or other relevant bodies.